Tonight was Jordan Leong's Belated Sweet 16 Birthday Dinner at TGIF, OU.
Did I mention that I spent my afternoon in ou doing nothing? I reached ou at around 2, shopped around with the mother for awhile then we had tea at Delicious and I waited at there for at least 2 hours for the bitches and bastards to finish their movie, Pandorum. then I sat at MPH for half an hour looking through traveling books, etc. I loathe watching horror movies, would rather stone while waiting than watching it and getting nightmares, or maybe don't dare to sleep alone or even shower. Jen's Body gave me a fright while I was alone getting ready to sleep last week. :(
The girls got Jordan soft toys, and I got him a cake. From what I saw, Jordan was definitely touched! No pictures tonight, I forgot to bring my camera but a funny video of Jordan trying to blow the candles from a distance would be uploaded soon on fb, taken by Bryan.
So, goodnight and sweet dreams everyone ;)